Birdies Meh Dengaq Sini, Cek Nak Habaq Mai :-D..Eh.SHOUTBOX Kat Bawah k ♥

pOndOk KeciL adalah tempat SKY menulis apa jua yg terlintas di kepala atau berkongsi info dengan birdies. Ini adalah penulisan SKY sendiri dan "diubah" mengikut pemahaman SKY sendiri. Jika ada info yang SKY ambil tanpa mengubah apa - apa dan mendapat izin dari pemilik, kredit akan diberikan kepadanya. Ruangan komen di pOndOk KeciL adalah "dofollow" jadi rajinkan diri untuk memberi komen cili @ strawberi kepada penulis! =.=". Terima kasih jengah ke pOndOk KeciL. -Send me One Million FREE Guaranteed Visitors -

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Home » » What Can I Do For My Future Later?

What Can I Do For My Future Later?

u gOtta be mOre carefull,with the things nearest tO u,
u knOw the clOser u get tO sOmething,
The tOugher it is tO see it,
explain tO me this happiness,that u just gOt tO experience,
Or maybe u'r sO blessed,that u can't even remember?
that u stand here now,that u live and breath
they are all litlle miracles,just by themselves,
and i'll never take it fOr granted,
its fine tO say "never give up" and "keep chasing ur dreams",
but the mOre time u spend talking big,the less u get dOne,
i'll press that handful of cOurage against my heart,
and with its help,survive anOther day,
lets gO break tO The fUture:-)
WiTh me MY frieNDs.

p/s pAsT is ExpEriEnCe,NoW iS KnOWledGE,FutUre? THe pARt thAT i FeEL sO DizZy bUt,INsIDe oF mySeLF, I"m lOOkiNG fOrwARd tO FaCEs it. LOOkiNG fOr sOme idEa, whAT i CaN dO nOw,iMprOve mY Own skill is Better Or gO finD a new KnOwledGe? aiya sYAfiQ...DecIde IT FasT,,n dOnt ReGret Ok?:-)

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