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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Home » » Final Year Project: The Kronologi Of Our Baby

Final Year Project: The Kronologi Of Our Baby

aha...the PrOtOype at the right side is a My fiNaL PrOject.."MinIatuRe HydrOelectric GeneratOr".hUrm..How tO say eh? a bit blur rite nOW..aha..bUt what i knOw..My grOup puT a lOt Of effOrt to finiSh thIs prOject..aha..bToL x kwn2? lOlx...This Is a "baby" fOr 5 Father..wlupOn bkn father sbnrye..ahaha..act, Our prOject din't funtiOning 100 percent but atleast Our grOup kNow the reasOn n cAn fIxed It iF gOt a mOre tIme, nVm la..what mOre imPortant is ObjectiVe in tHis grOup prOject mOstly achieved..( built a teamwOrk n the circuit alsO JALAN")

laU nk cte mmg panjang lau sal prOject nih..aha...HonEstly,of course spnjg 6 mOnth dO "mende nih" mcm2 la we face..fIght each Other because Of the different idea (bUt xde la truk sgt..aha, Financial prOblem (the cOst is RM1480),sme2 xckOp mkn.tdO n sbgainyer aha,at thiS tiMe OsO we gOt tO knOw whO the trUe friend Or nOt..:-) nOt Offended..bUt if they r onLY kinD when us in gOOd cOnditiOn (kwN mende cmntuh) hukhuk..pApepOn yg pLing xBole bLah, we gOt cheated went buy a turbine at UK..(jmpe mende nih pOn kt ebay) da byr USD100..last2 kelam...waaa...sgt tensen mse tuh..sume dak2 grOup ak pOn panas jewk..haiz2....then..we decided tO built Our Own cUstom TurBine..aha..nOt effective bUt creative i think..:-) enOugh to Make Our prOject in safe..hehe...tuh psl jdik kaler gOld2 tuh...indah2 aha:-)..When this turbine part finished, rse cam heaven lak..aha..lupe jap yg duit kitaOrg da kena tipu..naseb la..One week b4 Presentation dpt blik duit tuh..(tHanks PAYPAL) hehe

mUke cam struggle je madan kt ats..aha..My WoRk at thIs prOjeCt is dO a research,make a repOrt,cOllect a material,COmmunicatiOn part (kire cam jmpe2 lec,mntk nsht, tuh keje ak la) and help at hardware part..kena wat gak wlupOn keje2 ak byk mnybbkan ak trperap dlm bilik..ahahaha... Rse pUas ati jgk ngn memBer2 grOup ak..all dO their Own part, ade yg part calulatiOn n simulatiOn.ade yg part design, ade jgk yg part pmsgn n "runner"(kire mcm g bli2 brg2 tuh dye la g bli aha..)..bese la awl2 liat je sume..last2..smgt jewk kan? ahaha

ha..the pIc abOve is snap when we finished Our presentatiOn..cKit pUnyer gOyang la nk Present..maybe sbb grOup kitaOwg ..grOup first kt our cOllege yg wat prOject "pure electrical"..dah mnt punyer psl,kami tebas jewk buat..mlm tuh struggle ckeT~da la busy ngn last troubleshOOting pastuh nk prepare tuK present..aha..(tuh la jenis tabiat nk wat lat minute) aha..pape pOn..rituh hardwOrking kitaOwg mnjdIk...hehe..thanks gOd..tuh psl sume muke snyum lebar jewk..prsent lps ngn agak mudah..:-) 

papePon..mcm2 hal da jdik kan wktu kite wat prOject nih hmpir 9 bln...msti de slh silap..sO..sOrry la ek..lau ak de wat silap kew pape kew kwn2..aha..Ok madan? aha:-)

nOW we think what tO dO with Our baby..jUst keep Or wE give Our idea tO juniOr student( tO upgrade this prOject becOme mOre effieciently) mcm tmbh micrOcOntrOller kew,sensOr kew,LCD kew..trplglah..aslkan jdik lagik maju kate Owg ahaha..Lastly, tO members in mY grOup..KeeP lOOking fORwaRd, dOnt easily give up and lau de umO panjg ,kite jmpe lagi ye..sayOnara:-) i wish u all gud luck in ur life..

1 Kawan suka cOnteng!:

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

that a good thing to shared